Hixson Habitude

Hixson Habitude

Friday, December 14, 2012

Thanksgiving into Christmas

I really tried hard to focus on thanksgiving throughout the whole month this year. I saw people listing things for which they are grateful on Facebook and I decided it wasn't a bad thing to try. Except for one day, I successfully posted a blessing in my life each day leading up to thanksgiving. It made the Holliday more worthwhile in my opinion.

This is also the first year I got to spend thanksgiving Hixson style. We celebrated by making an old fashioned turkey dinner with the typical, yet delicious, side dishes, and we dined together by candlelight. Then we indulged in our childish side by playing some good old hide and seek in the dark with only a flashlight to seek with. Lucy, mercifully, slept through most of it. She hasn't done too well in complete darkness in the past.
Here, Aunt Isabel is entertaining Lucy.

We also took the time to see some family nearby that we normally don't get to see. We made the 3 hour drive to see my sister Irene and her family in Fresno. They entertained us with some funny commentary to what must be the absolute worst movie to have ever been produced, which unbelievably will be joined by a sequel.

Then we hopped in their 15-passenger to head to the discovery center. There we discovered a worm farm, a maze, a fish pond, a sandbox to bury dinosaur bones, a cactus garden, and a wachamacallit eardrum-like thing that lets you hear someone whisper from far away.

We eventually had to stop imposing ourselves on the Ryan family. So we headed back north to Stockton while Lucy was still in a good mood, also so we could visit David's grandmother before it got too late.
Now with thanksgiving over, we are welcoming in the Christmas season.

My main entertainment now is trying to get the camera ready in time to film Lucy while she is giggling and making new sounds, such as squealing.

I will also add more random pictures of Lucy since I know she's the main reason people read my blog.

 I'm glad she smiles so often. It made her photo session the easiest thing in the world. Those pictures will be ready soon, and then I will post them on here as well. They turned out wonderfully if I say so myself.


  1. 1st of all, what movie did you watch with the Ryans? I have to know!

    Secondly, I come here to read about YOU. Lucy's just a bonus :)

    Thirdly, good luck with the move! I assume you're getting things packed up by now?

  2. Oh, and you need to add a "followers" button because without it I can't follow your blog!

  3. Scratch that last comment. I figured out how to follow it without a followers button :)
